Much to my surprise, in 2013, I discovered that I seemed to have some kind of energy healing ability. Since then, I’ve been using it to help others to heal from all kinds of psychospiritual and even physical health challenges.
Because I didn’t have anyone in my life who could explain to me what was happening when I did my energy healing, and because I felt it was my duty to use this ability responsibly in service to others, I researched endlessly until I found an explanation for what was happening that made sense to me.
In his book ELF Magnetic Model of Matter and Mind, Neurologist and scientific researcher Andrija Puharich describes the source of the healing ability possessed by natural energy healers as an Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) magnetic energy pulse that has a frequency of 8 Hertz. Natural energy healers emit this magnetic signal from their hands and brains when they are doing healing work.
Another researcher, William Bengston, has conducted studies that show that the brainwaves of people being worked on by healers entrain to the healer’s brain, at this same frequency – approximately 8 Hertz.
As 8 Hertz is the same frequency that DNA replicates at, as well as the frequency that binds protons together in a phenomenon called “proton coupling” – and because the body is made up of many, many protons in the form of the hydrogen in the water in and around our cells – it made sense to me that being exposed to this 8 Hertz magnetic energy pulse (which is the natural resonance of the Earth, known as the Schumann Resonance) can have a balancing and harmonizing effect that we think of as “healing”.
I have come to believe that the 8 Hertz pulse may have the ability to delete the energy fields that appear on CT scans of the brain after a traumatic event. Traumatic events (referred to as “conflict shocks” in German New Medicine) are responsible for catalyzing the symptoms we normally think of as a “disease” in the correlating organ or tissue type (the traumatic event causes the organ or tissue type that was formed out of that specific part of the brain while in utero to respond with an adaptation that we label as a specific disease or illness – ex. cancer, allergies, diabetes, or “the flu”).
The 8 Hertz energy pulse also stimulates the vagus nerve, which has been shown to help with anxiety and depression, and amazingly, it can be “sent” over long distances, because it does not obey the inverse square law. I have worked on people all over the world, and those who are thousands of miles away experience the effects just as strongly as those who have had in-person sessions with me. This is because the 8 Hertz pulse is a multidimensional vector that operates outside of time and space, incredible and unbelievable as that sounds!
If you’re interested in trying out this energy work, it can be combined with a 1:1 Zoom session. Please email me for more information at
hi {at} amandaarcadia {dot} com.
~ Amanda